First Post on my personal blog

Welcome to my blog. This is my first official post and I must say I am quite excited. This won’t be a long one, a quick introduction of who I am and what I do as well as what I wish to achieve with this website.

I am a web developer (PHP, Standards Compliant XHTML/CSS, Javascript) specializing in developing web sites.

I am the owner and developer for

I decided to start this blog/portfolio site to market myself as a freelance web designer specialising in PHP, (X)HTML, CSS and WordPress themes.

I never think that i will have my personal blog/website. All this started from last year when
said me to start to work as a freelancer. Then after one year i launched my personal blog to share all the knowledge with my friends and clients.

The site is not 100% complete yet, but it is fully functional. The Portfolio and Contact pages still need some work and a Services page must also be added. I hope to have these updates finished early next week.

That’s it for now. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your visit!

Also please send me your comments so i can improve my blog.

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  1. Sandeep Lokhande says:

    Hey nilesh, Very nice work and a nice website, its been years talking with u, give me a call when time permits

  2. Wow. Your website is beautiful. Great job done and so informative. (Found you from a post on backlink PR5) Keep it going.