responsive jquery carousel plugin
In this modern arena of website design and development you must have a responsive website. In my previous post I talked about responsive design and its importance in website development. In this post i will list top responsive jquery carousel plugins which are available for free. Which you can use to create content or image carousel on your website.
Jquery Owl Carousel
Owl Carousel jquery plugin is touch enabled carousel plugin. Comes with options like lazyload,touch enabled,next previous buttons and navigation. You can control the number of slides displayed in carousel.
Jquery Slick Carousel Plugin
One more carousel with similar features as owl carousel. But this carousel have one feature which I liked most. Option to have center image with more height and width than other images in carousel.
Elastislide Carousel Plugin
This is another carousel plugin which can be used to display carousel with options to display carousel in either horizontal or vertical style. Also comes with feature to display carousel in full screen width.