WordPress Contet Slide Version 1.2

This post is created for those who are using WordPress content Slide Version 1.2

As I already released Content Slide 1.3 . You can download and upgrade.

For more details of new version with new features check it at WordPress content Slide Version 1.3


WordPress Content Slide 1.2
= Recent Updates =
* Fixed Issue where no image is being displayed or only the last image is displayed in the slideshow.
* Jquery Issue solved. As it was not included in previous version.

WordPress Content Slide 1.1
= Recent Updates =
* Fixed issue with CSS not being applied properly.
* Added Support to link another website so the slideshow can be used as a Advertising Banners.
* Fixed plugin conflicts due to jQuery incompatibility.
* Added Support to manage speed of the slideshow.

Now Added support to link image to another website so you can use this slideshow for Advertising Banners.


1. Download the zipped plugin file to your local machine.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Upload the “content-slide” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory. (DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILE OR FOLDER NAMES)
4. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
5. Add the folowing code anywhere within your theme where you want the content gallery to be displayed:

//Add this Code where you want this slideshow to be displayed.
<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/content-slide/slideshow.php'); ?>

Custom Fields

Two custom field’s

slideshow_img is the name and enter full path of the image value field.

If you want to link images to outside website’s and Use slideshow as a Advertising banners then include

slideshow_url is the name and enter link where you want to link this image.


Make sure image width and height is similar to the what you submitted in the Content Slide Options page in wp-admin

If you have any questions related to this plugin even any new suggestion as this is the first version of this plugin i want to improve this plugin in future so all your help and suggestion is appreciated.

Please send all your comments…

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  1. Can you show me the link where you installed my plugin.

  2. Change the custom images to 5. i saw the slider on your website.

  3. check your header.php file i think you called two times

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    just remove one..

  4. HI, thanks for a great plug in. Have it working fine in the header of my site now.

    One thing for a possible future release. When you first go to the site, you briefly see all the images load as the content slider builds. Is there anyway to get it to do this in the background so the user doesn’t see all the images at once?

    All the best,

    1. @Matt
      Thanks for the suggestion i will keep this in my list with future release.

  5. I feel like a webdesign rookie but I can not get this thing to work on my page. I have activated it and pasted the code to the right location but al I can se on the final page is the pictures I want sliding verticly stacked, one image first and the other one under the first. Whats up with that?

  6. I’m having a problem using your plugin but I like it so much please help. I have a CSS dropdown menu but in Exploder the menu and slideshow do not like each other. The Slideshow always renders in front of the drop down menu. Any advice you can give would very much appreciated.

  7. Well I tried using z-index to solve it. It still will not render properly within Internet Exploder though 🙁 What is the solution you would recommend?

    1. Try this Add following code inside your themes style.css file at the end of file…

       position:relative !important;
      z-index:9999 !important;
      position:relative !important;
      z-index:1000 !important;
  8. rod achilles says:

    Great Plugin, thanks.
    i am wondering if it possible to change the styling of the prev and next arrows?

    1. Previous next arrows are created using CSS. if you want to change the style of the .prev .next and you know about CSS then these are the css classes to change

      #wpcontent_slider_container .cs-prev,#wpcontent_slider_container .cs-next {padding: 0px 10px;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-khtml-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;}

      add this code inside your style.css. because if you upgrade this plugin in future then all your work will be deleted with next version PHP files.
      don’t forgot to add !important at the end of each css property so it will be used. like

      #wpcontent_slider_container .cs-prev,#wpcontent_slider_container .cs-next {
      padding: 0px 10px !important;
      -moz-border-radius: 5px !important;
      -khtml-border-radius: 5px !important;
      -webkit-border-radius: 5px !important;
  9. do you have posts in that category with images? you must have at least two post in that category with images added using the “Featured Thumbnail”

    1. Thanks for your reply. Yes, indeed I have two images. when you say “Featured Thumbnail” is the same as Set miniature? I’m a little confused.