wordpress 3.1 features

WordPress Version 3.1 “Reinhardt” was released On February 23, 2011 to the public, Named in honor of the jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt. With new features. This post will describe all the new features.

WordPress 3.1 New Features

1] Internal Linking

Click a button for an internal link and it allows you to search for a post or browse a list of existing content and select it for inclusion.

2] Admin Bar

Contains various links to useful admin screens. By default, the admin bar is displayed when a user is logged in and visiting the site and is not displayed in admin screens for single blog installs. For multisite installs, the admin bar is displayed both when visiting the site and in the admin screens.

Wordpress New Admin Bar

3] Streamlined Writing Interface

New users of WordPress will find the write screen much less cluttered than before, as more of the options are hidden by default. You can click on Screen Options in the top right to bring them back.

Wordpress 3.1 Screen Options

4] Post Formats

Meta information that can be used by themes to customize presentation of a post. Read more in the article Post Formats.
Post Formats in wordpress 3.1

5] Network Admin

Move Super Admin menus and related pages out of the regular admin and into a new Network Admin screen.

6] List-type Admin Screens

Sortable columns for list-type screens and better pagination.

Wordpress 3.1 New Ajax Navigation

7] Exporter/Importer Overhaul

Many under the hood changes including adding author information, better handling for taxonomies and terms, and proper support for navigation menus.

Wordpress 3.1 Exporter/Importer Overhaul

7] Custom Content Type Improvements

Allows developers to generate archive pages, and have better menu and capability controls. Read more in the article Post Types.

8] Advanced Queries

Allows developers to query multiple taxonomies and custom fields.

9] Refreshed Blue Admin Color Scheme

Puts the focus more squarely on your content.

Wordpress 3.1 Blue Admin Screen

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