WordPress Thumbnail Slider Plugin

After receiving excellent response to my previous WordPress Content Slide Plugin i am so much excited to release another wordpress plugin called “WordPress Thumbnail Slider”.

Recently i was working on a project where i want to display product in a slider displaying 3-4 products thumbnails and next previous buttons to scroll. So the basic idea behind this plugin is to display Thumbnail slider from posts or from custom images.



1. Download the zipped plugin file to your local machine.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Upload the “wpns_thumbnail_slider” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory. (DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILE OR FOLDER NAMES)
4. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
5. Click on Content slide in your wordpress dashboard and configure Thumbnail Slider options.

Or you can directly install wordpress content slide plugin from your websites admin plugin section.

Add PHP code

To display WordPress Thumbnail Slider on your website you have to add following lines of code inside your themes .php files.

<?php if(function_exists('wpns_thumbnail_slider')) { wpns_thumbnail_slider(); } ?>

Example if you want to display this slider in your header then you have to edit the header.php file. Just open header.php from your current theme in any editor and add

<?php if(function_exists('wpns_thumbnail_slider')) { wpns_thumbnail_slider(); } ?>

lines at the location where you want to display the slider.

Slider Only On Home Page

In some cases you just want to display slider only on the home page in this case you have selected a page as home page from the settings->reading section.
And if your home page is using default page template then you have to add following lines of code in your page.php at the location where you want to display the slider.

if(function_exists('wpns_thumbnail_slider')) { wpns_thumbnail_slider(); } 

Using above code the slider will be displayed only on home page.

Slider on a Specific page

If you want to display slider on a specific page say ‘about’ then you have to use wordpress conditional tags

if(function_exists('wpns_thumbnail_slider')) { wpns_thumbnail_slider(); } 


You can support this plugin by giving ratings on wordpress website.
Give Rating at WordPress Thumbnail Slider.

Also You can help translating this plugin in different languages.
If you use this plugin on your website just send your website url. All the links will be displayed on this Page.


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  1. I Dont know how to activate the blog slider i download the theme but i dont know how tu put a picture there :s

  2. Yes thanks for your comment. Yes this is the first version of this plugin released. I am working on to improve this plugin next releases.

    1. both content slider and thumbnail slider plugin looking excellent on your website…

      Yes there is issue in chrome. I have to check that.. i will update you shortly.

      1. desirexpert says:

        thank u 🙂 .yes please update me

  3. right now it is not possible to use it for multiple pages.. but i am working on it… i think it will be available with next version

  4. Problem with chrome ahh;/

  5. Is there a way to add above the slider a picture as header? Thanks

  6. DEMo?????????????????